четвртак, 4. фебруар 2016.

Размишљање о незаинтересованости са папом Фрањом

У ишчекивању да дођем до новообјављене књиге римског папе Фрање (1936-), Le nom de Dieu est Miséricorde, уз јутарњу кафу читам поруку коју је објавио 1. јануара 2016. године на Светски дан мира. Нарочиту пажњу ми је привукло његово виђење и тумачење незаинтересованости.
Clearly, indifference is not something new; every period of history has known people who close their hearts to the needs of others, who close their eyes to what is happening around them, who turn aside to avoid encountering other's problems. But in our day, indifference has ceased to be a purely personal matter and has taken on broader dimensions, producing a certain "globalization of indifference".

Као први облик незаинтересованости, папа Фрања, наводи незаинтересованост према Богу, која не може, а да не води ка незаинтересованости према ближњему и свету у којем живимо:
This is one of the grave consequences of a false humanism and practical materialism allied to relativism and nihilism. We have come to think that we are the source and creator of ourselves, our lives and society. We feel self-sufficient, prepared not only to find a substitute for God but to do completely without him. As a consequence, we feel that we owe nothing to anyone but ourselves, and we claim only rights.
О томе је својевремено, у енциклики Caritas in Veritate, писао и папа Бенедикт XVI, истичући да: "As society becomes ever more globalized, it makes us neighbors but does not make us brothers. Reason, by itself, is capable of grasping the equality between man and of giving stability to their civic coexistence, but it cannot establish fraternity".

Позивајући се на речи папе Павла VI, папа Фрања подсећа да није могућ "други хуманизам до онај који је отворен за Апсолутно, и који је као такав свестан призива који човековом животу даје аутентични смисао".
On both the individual and communitarian levels, indifference to one's neighbour, born of indifference to God, finds expression in disinterest and a lack of engagement, which only help to prolong situations of injustice and grave social imbalance. These in turn can lead to conflicts or, in any event, generate a climate of dissatisfaction which risks exploding sooner or later into acts of violence and insecurity.
Стога се од незаинтересованости морамо окренути ка милости и преобразити сопствена срца постајући тако чуварима брата својега (Пост. 4,9-10)
Mercy is the heart of God. It must also be the heart of the members of the one great family of his children: a heart which beats all the more strongly wherever human dignity - as a reflection of the face of God in his creatures - is in play. Jesus tells us that love for others - foreigners, the sick, prisoners, the homeless, even our enemies - is the yardstick by which God will judge our actions. (...) This then is why "it is absolutely essential for the Church and for the credibility of her message that she herself live and testify to mercy. Her language and her gestures must transmit mercy, so as to touch the hearts of all people and inspire them once more to find the road that leads to the Father. (Consequently, wherever the Church is present, the mercy of the Father must be evident. In our parishes, communities, associations and movements, in a word, wherever there are Christians, everyone should find an oasis of mercy". We too, then, are called to make compassion, love, mercy and solidarity a true way of life, a rule of conduct in our relationships with one another. This requires the conversion of our hearts.
А за "преображај срца" каже: 
the grace of God has to turn our hearts of stone into hearts of flesh (cf. Ezek. 36:26), open to others in authentic solidarity. For solidarity is much more than a "feeling of vague compassion or shallow distress at the misfortunes of so many people, both near and far". Solidarity is firm and persevering determination to commit oneself to the common good; that is to say to the good of all and of each individual, because we are all really responsable for all", because compassion flows from fraternity.
Стога, према папи Фрањи, култура која би била изграђена на солидарности и милосрђу била би кадра да превазиђе индиферентност од које сви патимо. Она се треба гајити најпре у прородицама, а онда и у школама, преко медија, јер медији не само да "информишу већ и образују умове оних који их прате и као такви могу дати значајан допринос образовању младих људи. Важно је никада не заборавити да су образовање и комуникација изузетно повезани: образовање се одвија преко комуникације, која утиче, било у добром било у лошем правцу на формирање личности." 
И за крај папа поручује светским лидерима:
to refrain from drawing other peoples into conflicts or wars which destroy not only their material, cultural and social legacy, but also - and in the long term - their moral and spiritual integrity; to forgive or manage in a sustainable way the international debt of the poorer nations; and to adopt policies of cooperation which, instead of blowing before the dictatorship of certain ideologies, will respect the values of local populations and, in any case, not prove detrimental to the fundamental and inalienable right to life of the unborn.

А све речено и написано, у слици, изгледа овако! Будимо бољи, јер као што нас је подсетио Ерик-Емануел Шмит: "човечанство не можемо мењати, можемо мењати само себе".

Указивање на "чувара брата својега" подсетило ме на изванредан зборник радова оца Радована Биговића, My Brother's Keeper који вам од срца препоручујем. Читање о незаинтересованости ћемо ускоро проширити и продубити са новом папином књигом, Le nom de Dieu est Miséricorde.

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