Anybody who cares for the future of humanity should study how to revive the "aesthetic education", which has the love of beauty as its goal.
Задржимо се још мало на студији Роџера Скрутона (27. фебруар 1944), Beauty. A very short introduction, о којој смо већ имали прилику да пишемо осврћући се на његово виђење метафизичког преображаја лепотом природе.
Размишљајући о значају уметности, Роџер Скрутон бележи следеће:
Art, as we known it, stands on the threshold of the transcendental. It points beyond this world of accidental and disconnected things to another realm, in which human life is endowed with an emotional logic that makes suffering noble and love worthwhile.
Ослањајући се на Кантове аргументе, Скрутон подвлачи да је искуство лепоте, као и суд о њој, својствен искључиво човеку, као разумном бићу. Само биће као што је човек - обдарено језиком, самосвешћу, практичним и моралним расуђивањем - може посматрати свет на један непристрасан начин, не желећи одмах да га искористи, већ пре да у њему ужива. Као такав, смисао за лепоту уколико га приволимо и уколико му се препустимо, узводи нас до најузвишенијих истина света и постојања.
In seeing places, buildings and artefacts as sacred we project on to the material world the experience that we receive from each other, when embodiment becomes a "real presence", and we perceive the other as forbidden to us and untouchable. Human beauty places the transcendental subject before our eyes and within our grasp. It affects us as sacred things affect us, as something that can be more easily profaned than possessed.
Ово запажање нас упаво води ка Скрутоновом пажње вредном разликовању између светости и порнографије.
The pornographic image is like a magic wand that turns subjects into objects, people into things - and thereby disenchants them, destroying the source of their beauty. It causes people to hide behind their bodies, like puppets worked by hidden strings. Ever since Descartes's cogito, the idea of the self as an inner homunculus, has cast its shadow over our views of the human person. The Cartesian picture tempts us to believe that we go through life dragging an animal on a lead, forcing it to do our bidding until, at the last, it collapses and dies. I am a subject; my body an object: I am I, it is it. In this way the body becomes a thing among things, and the only way I can rescue it is to assert a right of ownership, to say, this body is not just any old object, but one that belongs to me. And that is precisely how the relation between soul and body is viewed in the pornographic image.
За разлику од једног оваквог погледа на човека и његово тело, постоји и онај други, који би се могао окарактерисати као теолошки, или још боље речено, у правом смислу теолошки. Према њему:
My body is not an object but a subject, just as I am. I don't own it, any more than I own myself. I am inextricably mingled with it, and what is don to my body is done to me. And there are ways of treating it that cause me to think and feel as I would not otherwise think or feel, to lose my moral sense, to become hardened or indifferent to others, to cease to make judgments or to be guided by principles and ideals. When this happens it is not just I who am harmed: all those who love me, need me or relate to me are harmed as well. For I have damaged the par on which relationships are built.
Из реченог Скрутон изводи неколики закључака. Један од њих је да осуда проституције није била само производ пуританске нетрпељивости, већ препознавање најдубље истине да човек и његово тело нису две реланости, већ једна те иста и да продавање тела неминовно води и продавању човекове душе. На ову истину се надовезује и следећи закључак, а то је да порнографија не представља, како то масовни медији желе да преставе јавности, омаж људској лепоти већ њено најдрскије скрнављење.
Због свега реченог и оног што се између редова може наслутити, Скрутон инсистира на значају естетског и уметничког образовања - образовања у правом смислу речи. Не стицање пуког знања ради знања, већ да се кроз његово усвајање и примену човек преметне у врлинско биће каквим је позван и да буде.
That is why art matters. Without the conscious pursuit of beauty we risk falling into a world of addictive pleasures and routine desecration, a world in which the worthwhileness of human life is no longer clearly perceivable.
Тамо где се уклони лепота и светост, према Роџеру Скрутону, наступа кич.
The world of kitsch is in a certain measure a heartless world, in which emotion is directed away from its proper target towards sugary stereotypes, permitting us to pay passing tribute to love and sorrow without the trouble of feeling them. It is no accident that the arrival of kitsch on the stage of history coincided with the hitherto unimaginable horrors of trench warfare, of the holocaust and the Gulag - all of them fulfilling the prophecy that kitsch proclaims, which is the transformation of the human being into a doll, which in one moment we cover with kisses, and in the next moment tear to shreds.
За овом констатацијом тек следи право питање: како у нашем постмодерном друштву, које је обележено кичем, живети живот у којем лепота заузима централно место? Роџер Скрутон одговара:
Kitsch deprives feeling of its cost, and therefore of its reality; desecration augments the cost of feeling, and so frightens us away from it. The remedy for both states of mind is suggested by the thing that they each deny, which is sacrifice. (...) Sacrifice is the core of virtue, the origin of meaning and the true theme of high art. Sacrifice can be avoided, and kitsch is the great lie that we can both avoid it and retain its comforts. Sacrifice can also be made meaningless by desecration. But, when sacrifice is present and respected, life redeems itself; it becomes an object of contemplation, something that "bears looking at", and which attracts our admiration and our love.
Оно што бисмо могли издвојити као својврстан Скрутонов закључак о значају естетског образовања било би:
Beauty is vanishing from our world because we live as though it did not matter; and we live that way because we have lost the habit of sacrifice and are striving always to avoid it. The false art of our time, mired in kitsch and desecration, is one sign of this.Још једном упућујемо на читање Скрутонове књиге, Beauty. A very short introduction, у целини, а штиво можете проширити и освртом Кристијана Бобена и Едвара Буба о лепоти живота.
To point to this feature of our condition is not to issue an invitation to despair. It is one mark of rational beings that they do not live only - or even at all - in the present. They have the freedom to despise the world that surrounds them and to live in another way. The art, literature and music of our civilization remind them of this, and also point to the path that lies always beyond them: the path out of desecration towards the sacred and the sacrificial. And that, in a nutshell, is what beauty teaches us.
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